For more than 100 years, Over in the Meadow ? a traditional southern Appalachian counting rhyme ? has been a joyous introduction for young children to counting, rhyming, and nature. In
this lyrical book, readers will meet ten different meadow-dwelling mother animals and their babies, brought to life by Jan Thornhill in an ingenious way. Thornhill uses everyday objects to
construct this imaginary meadow: a beaver's dam is built of pretzels, a dragonfly flits with paperclip wings, and fish shimmer with coins for scales. Children will enjoy identifying these
familiar objects ? a "Where is It?" guide is included at the back of the book ? as much as they will enjoy the sing-song cadence of this rhyme. Plus, hand-drawn text incorporates rebus
elements to help even the youngest readers follow along.
$245 -
10 Little Fish
$175 -
Spooky ABC
$245 -
Rescue Squad No. 9
$315 -
Swish and Squeak’s Noisy Day
$900 -
Turn the Key: Around the World
$455 -
Have You Seen My Lunch Box?
$245 -
Boo! / ¡bu!
$245 -
Los Ratoncitos /Little Mice
$525 -
ABC Gulls
$523 -
Ten Black Dots / Los diez puntos negros
$245 -
$385 -
My Busy Day: Pull the Tab to Make the Words Appear!
$350 -
My Alphabet
$455 -
$350 -
Swish and Squeak’s Noisy Day
$595 -
Mokomaki: Let’s Count
$523 -
At School: Pull the Tabs to Make the Words Appear!
$420 -
Where in the Alphabet Is Ethan Echidna?
$523 -
A Hebridean Alphabet