Jeremiah and the Kid in the Blue Shirt

Jeremiah and the Kid in the Blue Shirt
NT $ 765


Bullying in boys and girls seems more prevalent than ever. Whether using verbal, physical, or Internet means, it hurts children and teens just the same.Jeremiah and the Kid in the Blue Shirt is the story of a popular and influential youngster who uses his power to taunt others, and a victim who becomes entangled in the bullying until the situation is serious enough to hurt everyone involved. The story is also about the two sides of bullying in us all and how these two aspects of human behaviour, - bullying, and being a victim - can quickly switch into one or the other according to the context and circumstances. Success in the story comes about only after the children are encouraged to find their own solutions.We have failed to solve the problem of bullying, and teach our children peaceful means of resolving inevitable conflicts and true reconciliation with one another, including with the ones we call our "enemies."I believe that with adequate guidance, children are quite capable of generating their own best creative solutions to bullying when we trust them, give them the opportunity, and the tools to do so. This story shows to children, their caregivers, and education professionals, one of many ways of doing just that.
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