CUADROS is Heinle's new 4-VOLUME INTRODUCTORY and INTERMEDIATE Spanish program. It was developed to address the needs of the 4-SEMESTER and 4-QUARTER Spanish course sequence taught at most 2-
and 4- year colleges and universities. All 4 volumes are designed to help you connect to the language and cultures of the Spanish-speaking world. Throughout the program, cultural themes and
related activities encourage you to engage in meaningful communication. CUADROS' realistic pacing of material, easy-to-use grammar, practical vocabulary, engaging videos, and robust technology
package work together to help you gain confidence and move quickly toward proficiency. CUADROS' 4-volume configuration allows you to pay as you go - buy what you need when you need it. Grammar
overview of CUADROS (please refer to Table of Contents for a full Scope and Sequence): CUADROS Volume 1 (1st Semester or 1st Quarter) includes: Present Tense including Reflexive Verbs. CUADROS
Volume 2 (2nd Semester or 2nd Quarter) includes: Present Subjunctive, Future Tense, Present and Past Perfect. CUADROS Volume 3 (3rd Semester or 3rd Quarter) includes: Preterite & Indirect
as well as Commands. CUADROS Volume 4 (4th Semester or 4th Quarter) includes: Conditional, Imperfect Subjunctive, and Future & Conditional Perfect.