Top25 Must-See Sights
Best bets for dining, lodging, sightseeing.�Plus a full-color pullout map. Everything you need�to experience Venice.
�Ⅹ�op lodging and dining picks for every budget
�Ⅹ�ll the legendary sights, from the Piazza San Marco to�the Grand Canal
�Ⅹ�raditional trattorias, seafood specialists, pizzerias,�wine bars, and gelaterie
�Ⅹ�enturies of churches: Renaissance, Gothic, and the�Byzantine domes of the Basilica di San Marco
�Ⅹ�ide trips to the islands of Murano, Burano, and Torcello
�Ⅹ�ecadent shopping for Murano glass, Carnevale masks,�and jewelry
Insider tips �Ⅹ�xpert Advice
The author: Tim Jepson has written and contributed�to many guidebooks about Italy, where he lived for several�years.