Top25 Must-See Sights
Best bets for dining, lodging, sightseeing.�Plus a full-color pullout map. Everything you need�to experience Rome
�Ⅹ�op lodging and dining picks for every budget
�Ⅹ�nforgettable vistas from St. Peter�� Basilica and the�Spanish Steps
�Ⅹ�reat places to stop for pizza, gelato, or caff癡
�Ⅹ�enues for classical music, opera, and jazz
�Ⅹ�lassic Rome: the Colosseum, the Pantheon, the Forum
�Ⅹ�pulent palaces, magnificent fountains, and romantic�piazzas
�Ⅹ�ore than two thousand years of art��rom Etruscan�artifacts to Michelangelo and Bernini
Insider tips �Ⅹ�xpert Advice
The author: Tim Jepson, once the Rome correspondent�for London�� Sunday Telegraph, has written and contributed�to many books about Italy.