Winnipeg electronic media artist Erika Lincoln considers how urban technological culture intersects with the natural existence of birds. The Singing Condition consists of a flock of 20 kinetic
bird sculptures whose song repertoire is a hybrid call sourced from electro-mechanical sounds including cell phone rings, car horns, and auditory signals at pedestrian crossings. Lincoln also
explores how human life can be documented through the study of bird nests commonly made with discarded technological by-products such as plastics and metals. From this research she has created
a mechanism controlled by infrared sensors that spins technological waste into ready made nests. With an interview with the artist. Erika Lincoln has exhibited in Media Art events across Europe
including Artbots (Dublin), Filmwinter (Germany), Pixxelpoint (Slovenia), and Love the Robots (Zurich). In Canada she has shown in The Winnipeg Art Gallery, Plugin-ICA, and Harbourfront Center.