Computer Aided Fashion Design Using Gerber Technology

Computer Aided Fashion Design Using Gerber Technology
NT $ 4,050
  • 作者:Espinoza-AlvaradoJane D.
  • 出版社:Fairchild Books
  • 出版日期:2007-04-29
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1563674327
  • ISBN13:9781563674327
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 24.1 x 28.6 x 3.2 cm / 普通級


Computer aided design is at the forefront of the patternmaking business today.Computer Aided Design Using Gerber Technology provides clear, step-by-step instructions for AccuMark Explorer, Silhouette/Pattern Design System, and Marker Makingssary to aid the designer in the creation of a garment from conception to output. This text is appropriate for new students as well as design professionals who need a technological refresher course.

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