Film Exhibition and Distribution in Ireland, 1909-2010

Film Exhibition and Distribution in Ireland, 1909-2010
NT $ 3,353


Rockett (film studies, Trinity College Dublin) provides a thorough study, organizing the subject as follows: film distribution and exhibition, 1909-29; economic protectionism and foreign oligopoly, 1929-46; British and American film interests in Ireland after the Second World War; the emergence of Ward Anderson and the challenge from new distribution technologies; multiplexes; alternative exhibition; Irish Catholic film policies in the 1920s and 1930s; and establishing a Catholic-sanctioned film culture. The final chapter addresses cinema buildings and includes a list of cinemas and public venues screening films in Ireland arranged by county. Statistics pertaining to the industry are appended. The volume is distributed in the US by ISBS. Annotation 穢2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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