The next in the irresistible�series of titles, including Chocolate, Cookie, and Cupcake Magic,�that reinvent the baking classics
Bursting with color, this collection�contains more than 150 delicious, easy-to-follow�cake recipes written in Kate Shirazi's exuberant, no-nonsense style. There are ideal recipes for novice
cooks, as well as sophisticated recipes for more adventurous cooks.�Bakers will find�treats here�for any�taste or occasion, from everyday cakes such as basic fruit cakes to posh subversive
wedding cakes. Recipes include Red Velvet Cake, Butterscotch and Walnut Cake, Boozy Chery and Almond Cake, Upside-down Pineapple and Salted Caramel Cake, Sticky Date Tea Bread, Cheddar and
Rosemary Bread, and Coconut and Lime Cheesecake Loaf. Always fun and irreverent,�this latest in the popular series�will have�bakers dashing to the kitchen to fill it with the heady aromas
of home-baked goods. Includes dual measures.