Learn to make cushion covers from second-hand shirts or a simple sundress for lazy summer days�with this gorgeous book for beginning sewers and crafters, from the author ofMeet
Me at Mike's
Perfect for anyone who's�ever wanted to try making�their own clothing and accessories,�this adorable crafts book�will encourage and inspire�even the most amateur of seamstresses�to create
beautiful pieces�they can wear, use, and love. Each project is carefully designed for beginning sewers, with an easy-to-use pattern and a list of all of the materials needed clearly
outlined on each page.�A range of simple sewing techniques and stitches are also explained, and there are�tons of suggestions for variations on patterns�that allow the more adventurous
seamstress to experiment once they've gotten their�head around the basics. Twenty-four beautiful and unique projects are included?from�a blanket to roll up and take to the movies,
or�cute-as-a-button kids' trousers,�to a super pretty wrap skirt.�All of the patterns are included in a front pocket.