The Savage Queen

The Savage Queen
NT $ 810
  • 作者:DunkleyJoshua
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2011-02-23
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1456459325
  • ISBN13:9781456459321
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 398頁 / 2.5 x 14.6 x 23.5 cm / 普通級


An uneasy peace is shattered when the long dormant alfin again invade human lands. War engulfs every human country across the continent, throwing people from every walk of life into a conflict that threatens them all. As kingdoms fall and borders fail, a group of survivors struggle to fight back against invasion; meanwhile, a shadowy evil stirs, walking the earth with mysterious purpose, and a threat towards the destruction of everything.Jair is a slave on an alfin farm. After murdering one of his captors in retribution for cruel crimes against his family, he is forced to flee; instead of wondering what the world outside is like, he has no choice but to see it for himself. New to a world now at war, Jair struggles to find his place, even as something inside him awakens. He begins to wonder who --or what -- he really is.King Ederick is the ruler of a nation under siege. He is faced with the horror that there is no stopping the alfin advance; he maneuvers to save what family he can, while ensuring Coorine will stand as long as possible, a flimsy barrier that is all that stands between the alfin and the rest of the continent. Betrayal leaves his kingdom to stand alone and outmatched, as alfin plots hamstring even the oldest of allies.Tylla is an engine smith in the prestigious air ship fleet of Eeda; stranded in enemy territory during the first wave of attack, she finds herself suddenly in charge of a small band of survivors. She forges an uneasy alliance with a tribe of Fenrich barbarians, and must keep the peace between former enemies as she tries to bring her people home to safety.Old enemies are forced to become allies, friends become enemies, and betrayal is everywhere as the alfin seek to steal away control of all the lands. A scattered group of men and women are all that stand between enslavement and death, as the war comes to them from many fronts. They soon realize that they are each only a tiny piece of a grander puzzle and only by coming together do they stand a chance at ending the war. And somewhere, something far worse than the alfin begins to plot...
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