On May 31, 2009, a committed team of sailors, scientists, teachers and conservationists joined forces on a voyage that was vast in scope and ambition but launched under the simplest of ideas:
The continents of North and South America are a single island, surrounded by a shared ocean, and with a common set of challenges, communities, issues, and solutions. To put it in the simplest
terms, we creatures of the land are utterly dependent on the sea around us, and we'd better take care of it, or it won't take care of us. This book tells the story of that amazing adventure,
and sounds a call to action for everyone who loves this planet.
In a journey that took 13 months, the Ocean Watch circumnavigated the Americas, documenting the beauty that exists, the peoples who rely on our oceans, and the changes that are
happening all too fast. This book can be read any number of ways:
. . . as an exciting seafaring adventure, with storms on the high seas, polar bears, and daring escapes from icy danger.
. . . as a beautifully photographed appreciation of the beauty of the Americas��ur wildlife, our coastal cities, and our proud, tenacious natives.
. . . as a global warning, documenting the dangers of climate change and the ways our world is changing forever.
The ship made landfall in 53 places around the continents and did presentations and outreach in each. In many of these places, there are potential special sales opportunities (museums, yacht
clubs, educational centers). Places visited include:
Seattle (starting point)
British Columbia
The Yukon Territories
The Northwest Territories
Rhode Island
New York
South Carolina
Puerto Rico
St. Lucia
French Guiana
The Falklands
Costa Rica
. . . and, back to Seattle