Yoshitomo Nara: Catalog Raisonne
- 作者:Nara,Yoshitomo (ART)
- 出版社:Chronicle Books
- 出版日期:2011-11-04
- 語言:英文
- ISBN10:0811870286
- ISBN13:9780811870283
- 裝訂:精裝 / 800頁 / 30.5 x 26.7 x 9.6 cm / 普通級 / 全彩印刷
★ 全球限量發行:市面上最完整奈良美智作品集,也是世上最重要當代作品集之一
★ 由奈良美智親手設計,收錄超過4500件出道至今作品
★ 每套附贈一款邪惡大眼娃帆布托特包,共三款隨機出貨。托特包容量大,可將套書帶著走 ~
日本國寶級藝術家奈良美智曾說,喜歡他作品的多是買不起畫的年輕人,所以他希望出版作品集,讓更多人能蒐藏他的作品 (奈良美智周邊商品價格不低,版畫成交價也從數十萬台幣起跳)。而這本2011最新出版的作品集《Yoshitomo Nara: Catalog Raisonne》無疑是奈良美智送給粉絲最棒的夢幻逸品。
本書還請到村上隆(Takashi Murakami)、走紅歐美的藝術家杉戶洋(Midori Matsui)、曾和奈良美智合作的知名作家吉本芭娜娜(Banana Yoshimoto),寫下他們對奈良美智的印象及貼身觀察,吉本芭娜娜就以「白雪覆蓋的殘酷」描述奈良美智的世界,讓讀者發現不同面向的奈良美智。(文/巧比非爾)
This lavishly produced two-volume catalog raisonn , created with the full participation of Yoshitomo Nara, is the most extensive, authoritative, and beautiful expression of the artist s work ever published. Featuring two 400-page volumes bound in fabric featuring Nara s designs, the catalog covers all of the artist s prolific output over the span of his career to date, including more than 4,500 paintings, drawings, editions, sculptures, photographs, and collaborations with other artists. Including new essays written by Nara himself as well as texts from Banana Yoshimoto, Takashi Murakami, Hiroshi Sugito, and Midori Matsui this unique reference is the definitive book on one of the world s most important contemporary artists.