Another book by the award winning childrens book Authors Anthony M.T. Majewski and Maximus "Max"Did you know that dogs work too? My name is Maximus, but you can call me "Max." I'm a six-year
old yellow English Labrador Retriever and I just went on an adventure. I learned about working dogs, especially Leader Dogs for the Blind. As you read my story, I'll share my adventure with you
from my point of view. If humans can work, then dogs can work too! Also, listen to the song "Look At Me Now" inspired by "Dogs Work Too!" and sung by child actor John Coleman Demers from the
Emmy nominated The Rusty Bucket Childrens television show. A portion of the proceeds from the song and this book are donated to Leader Dogs for the Blind.Book Honors:2011 Finalist Award
(Animal/Pets Category) Next Generation Indie Book Awards2011 Honorable Mention -San Francisco Book Festivale