This volume consists of an overview for high school students and general readers of the 1898 Spanish-American War and the political and social factors that led to it, key battles, and its
impact on the US, Spain, Cuba, the Philippines, and the rest of the world. The authors overview the war and its aftermath, including Spain's goal to preserve its aging colonial empire, economic
and political forces that drove US emergence as a world power, the dynamics that shaped the sociopolitical paths of Cuba and the Philippines after the war, the role played by American "yellow
journalism," and how the US victory changed the course of history in Cuba, the Philippines, and other countries. They profile major historical figures such as Emilio Aguinaldo, George Dewey,
Jos矇 Marti, William Randolph Hearst, Queen Lili'uokalani, William McKinley, and Theodore Roosevelt, and present related primary sources such as the Monroe Doctrine. Included is a list of
research topics, a new feature to the series. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (