★ 獲英國泰晤士報(Times)選為全球居家設計部落格Top3的Design* Sponge創辦人Grace Bonney最新著作
★ 美國亞馬遜網路書店室內設計暢銷榜No.1
《Design*Sponge At Home》公開室內裝潢成功案例與實戰法則。跟著Bonney實用又省錢的計畫、內行人才知道的獨門妙招,大至室內大翻修、老房子換新裝,小至老舊家具重生術,讀者都能輕鬆打造符合自身需求的夢想家~
* 直搗70個設計名人窩
* 50 個大改造計畫
* 50 個DIY計畫:詳細說明空間條件、時間、材料、難易度、步驟等。
* 完整的DIY基本功:從椅墊布製作、家具粉刷,到壁紙的運用,無所不包!
* 20個花藝布置技巧
* 700多張全彩照片與插畫,幫你以有限的時間與預算,完成夢想的室內裝潢
The long-awaited home decor bible by the beloved design blogger
“Thank you,” wrote a reader to Design*Sponge creator Grace Bonney, “for teaching me that houses don’t have to be frumpy and formal. They don’t have to be matchy-matchy or rigidly modern.” They can just be comfy and unique and reflect who you are, no matter how small your budget or space.
That reader is one of the 75,000 unique daily visitors to Design*Sponge, who make it the most popular design site on the web. The site receives 250,000 pageviews every day and has 150,000 RSS subscribers and 280,000 followers on Twitter. Design*Sponge fans have been yearning for the ultimate design manual from their guru, Grace, and she has finally delivered with this definitive guide, which includes:
‧Home tours of 70 real-life interiors featuring artists and designers
‧Fifty DIY projects, with detailed instructions for personalizing your space
‧Step-by-step tutorials on everything from stripping and painting furniture to hanging wallpaper and doing your own upholstery
‧Fifty Before & After makeovers submitted by readers of Design*Sponge—real people with limited time and realistic budgets
‧Essential tips on modern flower arranging, with 20 arrangements
With over 700 color photos and illustrations and projects that are customizable, relatable, and affordable, this is the democratizing design book
Grace Bonney is the creator of Design*Sponge, a daily Web site dedicated to home and product design. A native of Virginia Beach, Grace has worked as a contributing editor at publications like House & Garden, Domino, and Craft Magazine. In 2006 Grace founded the Design*Sponge Biz Ladies series, a traveling event designed to connect women running their own design-based businesses with free legal, financial, and marketing advice. She lives in an apartment in Park Slope, Brooklyn, with her husband, Aaron Coles, and their two cats, Turk and Ms. Jackson.