This volume was inspired by the centenary of the death of dramatist John Millington Synge and celebrates the second decade of the Synge Summer School at National U. Galway, Ireland (directed by
Lonergan), which offers lectures and seminars on Synge and Irish drama. It collects 14 essays presented at the school by scholars of Irish drama that explore the writers and movements that
influenced Synge, as well as his influence on later Irish and international writers like Brian Friel, Tom Murphy, Marina Carr, Mustapha Matura, and Erisa Kironde, and his place in Ireland
today. Other essays discuss the influence of Darwinism, botany, and the Irish language; his time in Europe and his anarchism; Czech productions of his work in Prague; poetic influences like
Dante and Agnes Tobin; and censorship and self-censure, material culture, and Irish folklore in his plays. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (