Playing with Purpose: Inside the Lives and Faith of Top NBA Stars--Kevin Durant, Kyle Korver, Jeremy Lin, and More!

Playing with Purpose: Inside the Lives and Faith of Top NBA Stars--Kevin Durant, Kyle Korver, Jeremy Lin, and More!
NT $ 700
  • 作者:MikeYorkey
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:2011-11-01
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:1616264896
  • ISBN13:9781616264895
  • 裝訂:精裝 / 15.9 x 23.5 x 1.9 cm / 普通級



  連被譽為美國大學籃球史上最重要的教練Mike Krzyzewski(K教練)也忍不住大讚本書:「作為籃球教練,我總是注重球員品性和天賦,這本書不但涵蓋球員們的堅定信仰,還有更多球迷會喜愛的故事!」


  當今許多在NBA籃壇大放光彩的球星,如得分機器雷帝凱文‧杜蘭特(Kevin Durant )、三分神射手柯佛(Kyle Korver)以及效力紐約尼克隊的台灣之光林書豪,都是在籃球場上彰顯神的榮耀的虔誠基督徒球星,而他們也常在公開場合強調信仰帶來的力量。

  本書集結許多NBA球星不為人知的故事,帶領球迷體驗球星們的「堅持」及「信仰」,更邀請美國知名電視台TNT的NBA賽事主持人Ernie Johnson撰寫推薦序,相信會是許多NBA球迷值得珍藏的夢幻作品!(文/妙角)

  Meet the “dream team” of talented NBA players with fascinating faith stories in Playing with Purpose: Basketball. Just in time for the new pro season, this book chronicles the lives of several players who stand strong for their Christian faith. Veteran CBA author Mike Yorkey, whose Playing with Purpose biography of NFL rookies Sam Bradford, Tim Tebow, and Colt McCoy was a best-seller, now profiles NBA stars both established and up-and-coming—such as Jeremy Lin, Kyle Korver, Anthony Parker, Luke Ridnour, and Chris Kaman. With a foreword by Ernie Johnson, host of TNT’s NBA coverage, Playing with Purpose: Basketball is perfect for any hoops fan.


麥克尤凱  Mike Yorkey

  麥克尤凱著有超過三十本書,同時也是死忠球迷,著有暢銷書「Playing with Purpose biography of NFL rookies Sam Bradford, Tim Tebow, and Colt McCoy」,而最新作品「Playing with Purpose: Inside the Lives and Faith of Top NBA Stars」更邀請NBA賽事知名主持人Ernie Johnson寫推薦序,本書同時也收錄哈佛小子林書豪的信仰故事。



Foreword by Ernie Johnson
Introduction: It's Not an Easy Gig, Playing in the NBA

1. Inventing with Purpose: Dr. James Naismith
2. The Knock-Down Shooter Who'll Knock Your Socks Off: Kyle Korver
3. Taking His Game Where Jesus Walked: Anthony Parker
4. Getting Off the Meds: Chris Kaman
5. A Story Hollywood Would Have Trouble Believing: Jeremy Lin
6. Heir to Pistol Pete:Luke Ridnour
7. They're Playing with Purpose, Too

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