'Learn to Spell 500 Words a Day' is for learning advanced reading of phonics and the spelling of 13,000 essential words. Most finish learning from this book within days or weeks. It is a
comprehensive book and it contains all phonics made by the five vowels and by eight of the consonants that make sounds different from their letter names. It contains the newly discovered rules
that govern phonics-each rule is then followed by detailed practice lessons. In this book is the core and essence of the English language. It comes in a series of six volumes and their titles
are The Vowel A, The Vowel E, The Vowel I, The Vowel O, The Vowel U, and The Consonants. The practice lessons in each book are presented in this logical order: 1. Long "a" spelled in these five
ways 'day, rain, cake, able, eight.' 2. Short "a" 'Dad.' 3. Special "a" sounds spelled in these five ways 'fall, also, law, auto, war' 4. Weak "a" sound 'liar.' Those with dyslexia are
guaranteed to learn to spell 500 words a day.