A positive attitude says something about you. It says that you have an inner confidence that is not easily shaken. And while we may feel good about ourselves when employed, a job search can
test our mind's ability to maintain that feeling.During job search, you will experience disappointment, frustration and negative feedback. Perhaps for the first time in your career. And when a
job search extends beyond your expected re-hire date, there is potential for a downward spiral. A loss of confidence. And, worse, a desperation about your situation.This book is a step-by-step
guide through the job search process with a focus on helping you to build and maintain a confident and positive attitude.Specifically learn how to:Prepare for and thrive in tough times - Write
powerful accomplishment statements - Become a person of influence - Market yourself with confidence - Signal strength in a job interview - Be yourself and find the right job - Turn small wins
into victories - Celebrate your arrival in a new job - Enable a positive attitude in life