As a child Bernard Sabrier was given a map of the Pacific by his father, and since then the archipelago of Vanuatu has remained in his imagination. Forty years later, Sabrier made the journey
to Vanuatu and this book documents his experiences. Discovered by the Spanish in 1606 and claimed by the French and English in the 1880s, Vanuatu became a republic in 1980 and today subsists
mostly on agriculture and tourism. Such facts inform our perception of Sabrier's pictures but are secondary to his project. These candid images depict the natives with which Sabrier has formed
personal bonds and so is the realisation of a childhood dream in an open-eyed, non-patronizing way.
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Chance Magazine Issue 7
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Contact Sheets: The Selected Photos
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Copacabana Palace
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The Act of Documenting: Documentary Film in the 21st Century
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Starting Your Career As a Freelance Photographer