The 20 most popular patterns from Knitscene
They’ve been knitted thousands of times by hundreds of knitters around the world. Now you can get the most beloved, fashionable designs from the pages of Knitscene magazine all in the
biggest single collection with The Best of Knitscene. You’ll find Heather Lodinsky’s Central Park Hoodie, Connie Chang Chinchio’s Geodesic Cardigan, Katie Himmelberg’s Phiaro Scarf,
and other favorite designs.
And the patterns are even better than everthey’ve been updated with corrections, additional sizes, technique tutorials, and tips. Plus, you’ll find an inside peek into Knitscene with
behind-the-scenes photos and stories, as well as interviews and profiles on some of the frequent designers such as Cecily Glowik MacDonald, Star Athena, and Kate Gagnon Osborn.
With this complete collection you’ll fall in love all over again with your favorite patterns from Knitscene.