Every cookie makes a difference!
In December 2007, Gretchen Holt-Witt set the lofty goal of baking and selling 96,000 cookies during the holidays, all in the name of funding research for pediatric cancer, the #1 disease killer
of kids in the United States and the disease her young son was battling. Armed with the determination of a mom on a mission plus the knowledge that funds for research mean more treatment
options, better survival rates, and hope for the future, Holt-Witt succeeded in selling all 96,000 cookies and raising over $400,000 for new pediatric cancer treatments.
Long after the ovens cooled, requests for more cookies along with offers to help poured in. Gretchen knew she was onto something. She and her husband Larry answered the call to action by
starting Cookies for Kids’ Cancer (cookiesforkidscancer.org), a national non-profit that inspires people to host bake sales of all sizes, from desktops and porches to entire corporations and
communities, with some raising more than $30,000 in one day. Cookies for Kids’ Cancer went on to partner with The Glad Products Company, inspiring thousands of individuals with Glad’s promise
to match funds raised at bake sales. The partnership has received attention from Martha Stewart, CNN, Parade, Redbook, Ladies Home Journal, Woman’s Day, O The Oprah Magazine, the
Today show, and more.
With experience, passion, heart, and great stories from bake sale hosts, this cookbook was created to inspire more bake sales as well as directly benefit this amazing charity. 100% of the
author's proceeds and royalties will be donated to Cookies for Kids’ Cancer for pediatric cancer research. The recipes include easy-to-prepare treats for cookies, brownies, bars, cupcakes,
quick breads, and more. In addition, there are tips on starting your own bake sale and inspirational quotes and stories throughout the book.