Williams, the chief diversity officer at the U. of Wisconsin-Madison and a faculty member in educational leadership and policy analysis, and Wade-Golden (research and assessment, Office of
Academic Multicultural Initiatives, U. of Michigan) outline the role of chief diversity officers (CDOs) in higher education and how to define, design, and deploy the position. They discuss the
ways the CDO can improve the organizational culture and broader campus community’s quality of life for all faculty, staff, and students. They consider the history and evolution of the role; its
organizational design, competencies, and performance; its place within the administrative hierarchy; strategies and principles informing daily efforts; the role of the CDO in leading change,
within the context of the strategic diversity leadership movement and in faculty recruitment and retention; the first 100 days as a new CDO; and the role compared across sectors. The book can
also be used by corporate, nonprofit, and public sector leaders, and draws on research from those areas. A companion volume, Strategic Diversity Leadership: Activating Change and Transformation
in Higher Education, addresses diversity efforts, plans, policies, and programs. Annotation ©2013 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (booknews.com)