Bicentenary edition of a beloved classic complete with original color plates and�new�silhouettes by illustrator Niroot Puttapipat, capturing the spirit of Regency England
The first of Jane Austen's published novels, Sense and Sensibility was originally published in October 1811. Originally entitled after its two heroines, Elinor and Marianne, the novel
tells the tale of sensible Elinor Dashwood, the older of the two sisters, who believes in privacy, propriety, and logic, and flighty Marianne, who follows her heart without so much as a
second thought for the consequences. As much a comment on social etiquette as a story about love and belonging, the timeless favorite illuminates Jane Austen's world. Featuring Jane Austen's
complete and unabridged text, this is the first of six specially produced editions of�her novels�published to coincide with the bicentenary of their first publication.