Partly inspired by PBS stories of the Civil War and biographical profiles of individuals like Andrew Jackson, Zeke Thompson, American Hero follows the fictitious protagonist's life from 1850 to
1876. Born to a poor southern farmer, young Zeke is befriended by a slave from a neighboring plantation who teaches him many useful skills and leaves an indelible mark on the boy. The child
also experiences the hardships of life and the cruelty of various forms of discrimination, which include social, racial, and economic. During and after the Civil War, Zeke continues to be
transformed into an admirable young man who is determined to defend the rights of the downtrodden while risking his own life. Although not for the faint of heart, young and old will enjoy the
story of young Zeke, who has his flaws, but manages to charm friend and foe. Formatted in easy to read 14 point, Century Gothic print.