Gathering of Waters

Gathering of Waters
NT $ 558
  • 作者:Bernice L.McFadden
  • 出版社:Akashic Books
  • 出版日期:2012-01-31
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:161775031X
  • ISBN13:9781617750311
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 14.6 x 20.3 x 1.9 cm / 普通級







  Gathering of Waters is a deeply engrossing tale narrated by the town of Money, Mississippi--a site both significant and infamous in our collective story as a nation. Money is personified in this haunting story, which chronicles its troubled history following the arrival of the Hilson and Bryant families.

  Tass Hilson and Emmett Till were young and in love when Emmett was brutally murdered in 1955. Anxious to escape the town, Tass marries Maximillian May and relocates to Detroit.

  Forty years later, after the death of her husband, Tass returns to Money and fantasy takes flesh when Emmett Till's spirit is finally released from the dank, dark waters of the Tallahatchie River. The two lovers are reunited, bringing the story to an enchanting and profound conclusion.

  Gathering of Waters mines the truth about Money, Mississippi, as well as the town's families, and threads their history over decades. The bare-bones realism--both disturbing and riveting--combined with a magical realm in which ghosts have the final say, is reminiscent of Toni Morrison's Beloved.


柏妮絲.麥費登(Bernice L. McFadden)

  她創作了七本大受好評的小說,包括經典的Sugar及Glorious。Nowhere Is a Place一書曾被提名為華盛頓郵報二○○六年的年度最佳小說。曾兩度入圍赫斯頓∕萊特(Hurston/Wright)小說獎決選名單,也曾進入有色人種民權促進協會形象獎(NAACP)決審名單,並獲得美國圖書館協會黑人核心小組(BCALA)授予兩個小說獎。她的小說The Warmest December曾獲二○○一年普立茲小說獎提名,更得到諾貝爾文學獎得主童妮.摩里森的讚賞,稱之「深烙人心且想像力圓熟無比」。目前居於美國紐約布魯克林,也就是她的故鄉。

  Bernice L. McFadden is the author of seven critically acclaimed novels including the classic Sugar and Glorious, which was featured in O, The Oprah Magazine, selected as the debut title for the One Book, One Harlem program, and was a finalist for the NAACP Image Award. She is a two-time Hurston/Wright Legacy Award finalist, as well as the recipient of two fiction honor awards from the BCALA. Her sophomore novel, The Warmest December, was praised by Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison as "searing and expertly imagined." McFadden lives in Brooklyn, New York.

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