Multinational corporations now look toward China with both trepidation and anticipation.The speed and scope of Chinese economic growth is changing the global distributionof power and
resources, possibly to the detriment of the major industrial powers. But this same transformation presents tremendous opportunities for companies who understand China well enough to leverage
both its accomplishments and its deep-seatedproblems for corporate benefit.
Longtime China scholar Kenneth Lieberthal brings to bear a unique combination of experiences as former top government official, political scientist, professor of international corporate
strategy, and consultant. In Managing the China Challenge, he draws on his deep understanding of China's political and economic systems and the priorities of local and national leaders
to illuminate the strategies foreign companies must master to succeed in the Middle Kingdom.
In straightforward language, using numerous concrete examples to support his ideas and recommendations, Lieberthal cogently presents not only how to benefit from doing business in China, but
also how to avoid the serious risks that the endeavorentails. The implications Lieberthal lays out for corporate strategy are wide-ranging and critically important.