With all the impending doomsday predictions everyone islooking for a reason to smile these days. And why not?Smiling has been shown to relieve stress, boost the immune system,release
endorphins, and even make us more attractive. It's thenatural drug. So put down the Xanax and pick up a copy of 1,033Reasons to Smile. Whether it's the sight of baby animals
wrestlingeach other or watching pigeons fight over a Cheeto, there are morethan enough funny, silly, and downright weird reasons to put a smileon your face inside this little book of joy,
. When the person in the next lane lets you ahead of themin heavy traffic
. When you nally get back into your own bed after beingaway from home
. You check the calendar on a Friday and realize thatMonday is a holiday
We're all looking for a reason to smile these days. Here's 1,033 of them.