Government Performance and Results: An Evaluation of GPRA’s First Decade

Government Performance and Results: An Evaluation of GPRA’s First Decade
NT $ 3,103


When 24 federal agencies issued their first GPRA reports in 1999, the Mercatus Center at George Mason University embarked on what became a ten-year research program evaluating the quality of disclosure. The results of those evaluations reveal improvements in federal reporting through fiscal year 2008 and suggest best practices for outcome-oriented measures, accessibility, readability, data quality, and linking budget costs to results. The book also compares the transportation department performance report to similar reports from Australia and New Zealand, explores how to assess regulatory outcomes and tax expenditures, and considers whether GPRA has improved federal managers' ability to steer their programs. An appendix reprints the text of the GPRA Modernization Act of 2010. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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