Designed in a journal entry format, Let’s Grow a Pound is an easy to follow day-by-day guide for growing a bigger, more potent crop in a small space with little financial
The secrets of SeeMoreBuds success are the use of a 1000 high pressure sodium bulb as a light source and the addition of CO2. High pressure sodium lighting systems produce a red/orange
spectrum that is ideal to encourage rapid fruiting, flowering and budding. They also cause less light pollution. The 20 pages of additional material shows how easy it is to upgrade your
garden with C02 and increase your yield because the added CO2 aids the plants photosynthesis.
SeeMoreBuds has taken all the guesswork out of growing indoors and harvesting more than a pound of marijuana in under three months. Each of the 73 days it takes to get to a satisfying and
successful harvest is described and illustrated. The equipment needed, the set up and each stage of growing, care taking, hydrating, feeding and identifying and dealing with potential
problems are all here.
In addition to equipment and procedures, each daily entry includes facts about drug policy along with daily words of wisdom from sources as diverse as Albert Einstein, Kahil Gibran, Plato,
and Gore Vidal.