Ellie's room has monsters! How can she get those pesky creatures to leave? Daddy packs them up in his duffle bag and carries them off to war. Now, she sleeps peacefully monster-free. See what
happens when she starts to miss them while they are away. 'The Monsters in Daddy's Duffle Bag' is a light hearted story embracing preschoolers' fascination with monsters, inviting military
children to use their imagination as a positive coping mechanism during the stress of deployment.Life as a military child can come with many challenges. Army wife and mom, Janelle H. Mock,
understands the importance of keeping things fun at home with children who often face emotional stress and trauma during the early years of life. 'The Monsters in Daddy's Duffle Bag' is a
colorful preschool picture book that encourages military children to laugh and enjoy their special 'job' in the service.With a passion for children, Janelle H. Mock has spent many entertaining
moments in the presence of military children. Mock is the author of Portraits of the Toughest Job in the Army (2007), a collection of more than twenty miniature memoirs of Army Wives. 'The
Monsters in Daddy's Duffle Bag' is a natural book for story hour and an early easy-reader. Young military children will appreciate this silly monster story just for them.