Sure, Iowans are nice, but what else would you expect from Midwesterners who grew up minding their manners, moms, scoutmasters, 4-H leaders, and earning perfect attendance Sunday School pins?
You'd be nice as pie too if your life was filled with community sings, ice cream socials, taffy pulls, and riding your bunting-festooned bicycle in Independence Day Parades finished off with a
real stem-winder of a patriotic speech and fireworks to knock your socks off. Is this a laughing matter? Yes! Iowans represent our better selves, the big brothers and sisters we wanted to look
up to. Now here's the joke: Iowans don't think they're anything special. A book extolling their bedrock values would only embarrass them. This book: Iowa Nice(Genial Jokes for a Gentle People),
lavishes praise on Iowa in the only way tolerable to unassuming Hawkeyes, by kidding the pants off them. In a nice way.