The second volume in the publisher's Law and Literature Series presents contributions from both legal and literary perspectives on a wide variety of themes. A sampling of topics: medical
dilemmas (the case of conjoined twins), "enforced Caesarean" cases (searching for the subtext), science fiction and bioethical knowledge, the sciences in 18th-century English literature and
art, The Island of Doctor Moreau by H.G. Wells, biotechnology in Japanese graphic novels, Jeanette Winterson's The Stone Gods (an exploration of personhood, and The Lives and Loves of a She
Devil (cosmetic surgery as a social mask), among other topics. The contributors are affiliated with universities in Europe. Editor Carpi (English, U. of Verona, Italy) provides an introductory
essay. There is no index. Annotation 穢2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (