Whether you like your drinks shaken or stirred, this is the only guide to mixology you will ever need
Including everything one needs to know to mix a variety of cocktails at home, this comprehensive guide to all things alcoholic provides recipes and mixing instructions for more than
600 of the world's most popular mixed drinks. It thoroughly explains the basics of stocking a bar at home, while also advising on the correct conditions and temperatures in which
to store the various ingredients that comprise its delicious recipes. A special feature on ten classic cocktails is included that details their history as well as the bartender responsible
for their invention. There is also a brief history of the base spirits and an explanation on the distilling processes to create them, advice on the best brands to buy for all the world's
principal alcoholic drinks, and an A-to-Z of all cocktails covering everything from as Adam and Eve to the Yellow Fever. It concludes that the perfect way to battle any hangover is
strictly by imbibing "the hair of the dog," and offers invaluable advice for anyone who is suffering after enjoying a cocktail or two too many.