The author states that in his study he "...tried to establish the significance and function of expressions, gestures, and attitudes as performed by Caravaggio's figures by regarding them as
codes typical of the narrative genre, and in general of early modern image-making." Pericolo (art history, Warwicke U., UK) completed this monumental study over the course of five years spent
in the US and Canada. This is a big book (9x12"), printed on coated stock, with a generous number of plates. Discussion encompasses such themes as pictorial narrative before, during, and after
Caravaggio's time; lyrical and comical interactions in early paintings; the misplaced hero in early religious narrative paintings; and self representation and self-referentiality in pictorial
narratives, among other topics. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co. Annotation 穢2012 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (