Cannabis Indica features genetics from over 60 different seed breeders more than all other cannabis strain guides put together and strains from a variety of countries. Featuring
classic Indica strains, such as Holland’s Hope, Blueberry, LA Confidential and P-91, Cannabis Indica also introduces fascinating never-before-seen varieties from previously unknown
seed breeders. Filled with hundreds of beautiful full-color images, this book is ideal for every grow room, dorm room, and living room. Each plant is discussed in detail, with accurate
information on genetics and lineage so that readers can become experts on Cannabis Indica strains their aromas, flavors, THC content, medical potentials, and growth patterns. Strains were
selected based on their relevance to the current market and the strength of their genetics. There are no advertisements in the book and no one paid to be included editor S.T. Oner carefully
selected all strains based on merit, not advertising dollars.