Audio Processes: Musical Analysis, Modification, Synthesis, and Control
$6,840 -
Survival Guide for Music Composers: Tools of the Trade to Get Paid!
$700 -
The Zapple Diaries: The Rise and Fall of the Last Beatles Label
$1,225 -
Music 4.1: A Survival Guide for Making Music in the Internet Age
$875 -
Make Your Own Music: A Creative Curriculum Using Music Technology
$875 -
Musical Listening in the Age of Technological Reproduction
$6,748 -
The Production and Consumption of Music in the Digital Age
$6,525 -
Metal Music Manual: Producing, Engineering, Mixing, and Mastering Contemporary Heavy Music
$2,923 -
Recording Orchestra and Other Classical Music Ensembles
$2,698 -
Recording Unhinged Coloring Book: For Those Who Color Outside the Lines
$595 -
Five Star Music Makeover: The Independent Artist’s Guide for Singers, Songwriters, Bands, Producers, and Self-publishers
$1,050 -
Machine Music: A Media Archaeological Excavation
$1,800 -
Audio Processes: Musical Analysis, Modification, Synthesis, and Control
$2,698 -
Digital Audio and Acoustics for the Creative Arts
$3,148 -
String Instrument Setups: 10 Setups That Will Make Your Instrument Louder, Better, and Easier to Play
$700 -
Sequencing Samples and Loops
$1,400 -
Sound Unseen: Acousmatic Sound in Theory and Practice
$1,258 -
Recording Orchestra and Other Classical Music Ensembles
$6,750 -
Every Song Ever
$910 -
The Singer-Songwriter’s Guide to Recording in the Home Studio