Archaeologists explore materials and product that are not indigenous to where they were found. They cover the Neolithic, amber, the East Mediterranean and the Aegean Bronze Age, westward by
ship, and broadening the perspective. Among the topics are skeuomorphs of Mediterranean shells in Chalcolithic south eastern Europe, neolithic amber processing and exchange on the eastern coast
of the Baltic Sea, exotica in Early Mycenaean burials as evidence for the self-representation of the elite, ivory items from Roca as a case study of the social and economic role of exotica in
the central Mediterranean, and prestige swords of the Bronze Age. Some of the 17 papers were selected from a session at the September 2007 meeting of the European Association of the
Archaeologists, held in Zadar, Croatia; others were invited from specialists. A battery of color photographs is provided, but no index. Distributed in North America by The David Brown Book Co.
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