The Happy Hollisters on a River Trip

The Happy Hollisters on a River Trip
NT $ 448


The Happy Hollisters on a River Trip (#2 in the Happy Hollisters series)A big fish contest at The Trading Post, the Hollisters' sporting goods store, has everybody in Shoreham excited. After Pete catches a large fish with a tag on its tail, another adventure begins for the eager young detectives. When the children's friend, Bobby Reed, disappears in a leaky old boat, the whole family helps in the search.Uncle Russ lends them his boat, and they set off on a trip down the Muskong River. After helping some hikers on shore, Pete, Pam and Mr. Hollister get lost in the fog on their way back to the boat.A series of surprise discoveries lead the Hollisters on a hunt for Bobby on shore, and other adventures provide good times along the way. But there are false clues and disappointments before the Hollisters find Bobby, solve the mystery of the tagged fish, and bring happiness to an old man, Bobby and his mother.First published in 1953, these charming mystery-adventure stories, faithfully reproduced, are now available in paperback for the first time! Written for boys and girls between the ages of six and twelve, The Happy Hollisters are wholesome books, with an accent on humor and good, clean fun. Integrity always pays off and right wins over wrong. This is a perfect gift for the young reader in your life. Parents, grandparents, and teachers love these books for their healthy celebration of life in simpler times. Kids are thrilled with the fast-paced action and will not want to put them down. Over seventy action-packed illustrations make the story - and the Hollister family - so vivid that the reader has a feeling of really sharing in on the adventures of this lovable and interesting family.
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