In the third and final breathless installment Jack, Kerry, and Corriwen face terrifying monsters, all-powerful witches, and mysterious magical creatures
Continuing Jack's quest to find his father, Jack, Kerry, and Corrie have passed through the gate into the peaceful summerland of Uaine. Hoping for a period of respite after all their
adventures, they quickly discover that they have work to do. The power-hungry spellbinder, Bodrun, has stolen the copperplatesprotective magical talismansand released the terrifying
nightshades into the world. These creatures stalk the night, searching for a way to break through to other worlds and wreak havoc. They will do anything to get their claws into the
heartstone. With the Book of Ways to guide them, Jack and his friends must travel deep into Bodrun's lair, facing gargoyles, giant spiders, walls of fire, and shrieking all-consuming
nightshades, before a final confrontation with the evil spellbinder himself. As Jack finds himself in the midst of this nightmare, he is forced to face what really happened to his
father so long ago.