The Sniffles for Bear

The Sniffles for Bear
NT $ 595




  The relentlessly cheery Mouse pushes a cold-suffering Bear to new heights of melodrama in a hilarious new adventure starring the unlikely pair.

  Bear has a terrible cold. In fact, Bear is quite sure that no one has ever been as sick as he is. So when Mouse comes tap, tap, tapping on his front door eager to make Bear "as good as new" by reading a sunny story, singing a rousing chorus and plinking a twangy tune on her banjo, the pitifully coughing Bear - growing weaker by the minute - is convinced that his tiny friend does not appreciate the gravity of the situation. Can there be any saving Bear from his certain demise? Welcome the world's most lovable curmudgeon and his endearing, unstoppable sidekick in a wry new comedy sure to have even red-eyed, sniffly-nosed readers rolling with laughter.




  美國童書作家,讀過兩次大學,擁有心理與創意寫作學位。關於創作本書,她說:「有一天,這隻固執的老鼠突然在我的腦中冒出來,而且不肯離去,我實在不願意承認自己的內心有多像大熊,但我很感謝自己生命中遇見的每隻可愛的老鼠」。她的許多作品都曾經榮獲獎項肯定,本書則為她贏得2009年「E. B.懷特大聲朗讀獎」與「金風箏獎」。

  Bonny Becker, author of a number of award-winning picture books and middle-grade novels, says that the persistent mouse featured in A VISITOR FOR BEAR just popped into her head one day and wouldn’t go away. Several other Bear and Mouse stories are in the works. Bonny Becker lives in Seattle.


  加拿大知名插畫家,畢業於多倫多藝術學院,獲獎作品超過二十本,其中包括「加拿大總理文學獎」。她用溫暖多樣的插畫,為各種不同的故事賦予生動活潑的風貌,其中包括If I Were Your Father,IF I Were Your Mother,The Umbrella Birthday Party等。關於創作本書,她說:「我已經好久不曾遇過像大熊和老鼠這麼有趣的角色了。」除了畫畫,她同時也為劇場和舞蹈團設計戲服和布景。

  Kady MacDonald Denton is the illustrator of TWO HOMES by Claire Masurel and A CHILD'S TREASURY OF NURSERY RHYMES. She lives in Ontario, Canada.

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