Savannah Martin is back again in this sassy followup to A Cutthroat Business. Bente Gallagher takes her readers on a terrific ride through the eyes of her southern belle
realtor-cum-vigilante, whose high heels have once again landed her in a web of robbery, violence, and handsomealbeit questionable young men. Hot Property follows Savannah’s adventures as
she works the case and fends off criminals and suitors alike, all the while trying to figure out which is which.
Bente (pronounced bent-AH) Gallagher has become a fan favorite, drawing on her own career as a Realtor ® in Nashville, TN, to create her tough, principled, career-driven Savannah, a sleuth
readers can’t help but adore. For the past few years, Bente has been writing books for Berkley Prime Crime under the pseudonym Jennie Bentley. To date, her work includes four books in the
Do-It-Yourself Home Renovation Mystery Series with more in the wings.