REA’s PRAXIS II:PLT Grades 7-12Test Prep with Practice Tests on CD
Gets Teachers Certified and in the Classroom!
Updated Third Edition!Nationwide, more than 5 million teachers will be needed over the next decade, and all must take
appropriate tests to be licensed. REA gets you ready for your teaching career with our outstanding library of Teacher Certification test preps! Scoring well on the PRAXIS II: PLT Grades
7-12 exam doesn’t just help you get certified to teach, it helps you build your career! This test prep is perfect for college students, teachers, and career-changing professionals who are
seeking certification as grade 7-12 teachers. Written by education experts and fully aligned with the latest test specifications, our in-depth review chapters coverall subject areas
in each content category: Students as Learners, Instruction and Assessment, Communication Techniques, and Teacher Professionalism. Two full-length, multiple-choice practice tests in the book
simulate the actual PLT exam with case study constructed-response and multiple-choice questions. Each practice test is balanced to include every type of question, subject area, and skill
tested on the actual exam.Our practice tests replicate the PRAXIS question format, allowing you to assess your skills and gauge your test-readiness. The book’s two exams are included on
CD in a timed format with instant scoring, diagnostic feedback, and on-screen detailed explanations of answers. Our TestWare® CD offers the most powerful scoring and diagnostic tools
available today. Automatic scoring and instant reports help you zero in on the topics and types of questions that give you trouble now, so you’ll succeed when it counts! Every practice
exam comes with detailed feedback on every question. We don’t just say which answers are right—we explain why the other answer choices are wrong—so you’ll be prepared on test day. Our
detailed explanations of answers let you identify strengths and weaknesses while building your skills. This complete test prep package comes with a customized study schedule and
REA’s test-taking strategies and tips. REA books and software have proven to be the extra support teacher candidates need to pass their challenging tests for licensure. Our comprehensive
test preps are teacher-recommended and written by experts in the field.