TIME For Kids The Big Book of How presents kids 8-12 years old with answers to the kinds of intriguing questions that appeal to their sense of curiosity. Colorful graphics, spectacular
photos and clear, engaging diagrams will help answer such questions as: How does a chameleon change colors?; How can a person survive in the jungle?; How do you build a teepee?; How do diamonds
form?; How do light sticks work?; How are 3-D movies made?; How do astronauts train for a space mission?; How do we get cavities?; How does solar energy work? Divided by subject area-from
animals, the human body and technology to sports, food and green issues-kids will discover the background behind the questions through the book's photos, diagrams and art as well as its clear
text. Of course, TIME For Kids goes beyond just answering the question, and engages kids with hands-on activities at the end of each chapter that bring life to a topic or idea they
just read about. For example: If in the technology chapter kids learn how an airplanefl ies, the "How to" spread might include step-by-step instructions about how to fold a paper airplane or
create a rotating helicopter. TIME For Kids The Big Book of How is a must-have book to satisfy the most curious of kids.