Could it be the end for Nick Sharman? The latest from the Spillane of Brit Noir, as hardboiled as they come
For seven years, ex-cop Nick Sharman has lived in "exile" on a Caribbean island, his life of luxury funded by the proceeds of a bank robbery where he was the last man standing. A phone
call out of the blue changes everything. The voice from the past belongs to the only woman that he loves, his daughter Judith. Like father, like daughter, she's a police officer, but the
family resemblance doesn't stop thereJudith is in big trouble with the law, and has no one to turn to except her father. Returning under an assumed name to a bleak mid-winter England, Nick
finds he's grown older, but perhaps no wiser, and his once beloved London is moving too fast for him. Vowing to clear his daughter's name by any means necessary, Sharman finds himself
enmeshed with blackmailers, murderers, the security services, and Russian gangsters all baying for his blooduntil he, Judith, and his old sparring partner Jack Robber take on all comers in
a dramatic finale on the mean streets of London.