Whale Music

Whale Music
NT $ 665
  • 作者:PaulQuarrington
  • 出版社:Baker & Taylor Books
  • 出版日期:1997-05-20
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0679308687
  • ISBN13:9780679308683
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 14 x 20.3 x 1.9 cm / 普通級


Des Howell is a former rock 'n' roll star who never leaves his secluded oceanfront mansion. Naked, rich and fabulously deranged, he subsists on a steady diet of whiskey, pharmaceuticals and jelly doughnuts and occasionally works on his masterpiece, "Whale Music." One day, upon awakening from his usual drunken stupor, Des discovers on his sofa a young alien from the faraway universe of Toronto. This girl has made the trek to Des' hideaway because she believes in the "Whale Music" and she's crazy enough to think that Des can make a comeback hit with his mad magnum opus--
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