Published annually, this journal is now in its third issue. Its acronym is LEAR, and the preface states the following regarding its mission: "...[LEAR] welcomes a wide range of submission on
the literary culture of the United States from the adoption of the Constitution in 1789 to the death of Jemes Fenimore Cooper in 1851." The editors are open to critical responses to all writers
of the era as well as submissions pertaining to letters, poems, diaries, and other documents. This third volume features essays on Cooper, Charles Brockden Brown, and Robert Montgomery Bird, as
well as topics such as 18th-century letter-writing, slavery, Indian-hating, and pirates. Editors Matthew Wynn Sivils and Jeffrey Walker are affiliated, respectively, with Iowa State U. and
Oklahoma State U. Annotation 穢2011 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (