Geology Underfoot in Yellowstone Country

Geology Underfoot in Yellowstone Country
NT $ 840
  • 作者:HendrixMarc S.
  • 出版社:Mountain Pr
  • 出版日期:2011-04-15
  • 語言:英文
  • ISBN10:0878425764
  • ISBN13:9780878425761
  • 裝訂:平裝 / 15.2 x 23.5 x 1.3 cm / 普通級


In Geology Underfoot in Yellowstone Country, author and geologist Marc Hendrix takes you to over twenty sites in the park and surrounding region that illustrate the deep-time story of Yellowstone Country, from its early existence as a seafloor hundreds of millions of years ago to an earthquake swarm in 2008 that caused some folks to wonder if the Yellowstone Volcano was going to blow its top��gain.
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