What if an American president had no regard for the Constitution?What if the United States Congress no longer respected or feared the American people?What if the U. S. economy collapsed by
design, from extreme taxation and regulation?Jerry and Jenny were not politicians. They had two boys. All they ever wanted from their government was to be left alone. They tried to go to church
every Sunday. They never spent time in legislatures or served as executives. Their story is that of political outsiders, whose lives were affected deeply by politicians they never personally
met: politicians who wanted to control every aspect of their lives, but who also would never have given them a second thought, as individuals, had Jerry not spoken out against them.In a story
born of a nightmare, the author envisions an Orwellian future for his beloved United States, and foretells what can happen to a typical American family when a once-great country is sabotaged by
the government, and divided by elitism, hate, and ignorance. If you love a fast-paced political thriller, and want to experience a tale about the tipping point of tyranny over liberty in the
United States, then this book is an absolute must-read!